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Volunteering in Cambodia

Following my experience as a volunteer artist in the Vancouver schools I arranged volunteer art projects in Thailand and Cambodia.  My goal was to bring art into communities where children had limited access to art materials and instruction.   I included presentations in art history, highlighting important "master" artists over the centuries.  I incorporated colour wheel and colour mixing lessons which can be engaging and fun. 


My first step was to establish "Artists Without Borders."


I organized three projects in Thailand and Cambodia.  Below are highlights from my time in Siem Reap, Cambodia.  It surprised me that the children were amazed by the Canadian art, such as Emily Carr and the Group of Seven.  They were especially fascinated by Tom Thomson, his paintings, and stories of his camping and canoeing life in Algonquin Park. 


!'m hopeful the children gained as much from this experience as I did.  It showed me that art is truly a way to remove the boundaries which often separate us.  This ultimately fosters a greater understanding between peoples by fostering friendship and peace.  The expression of art is a universal human need that can be traced back many thousands of years, for example the by 40,000 year old cave art found in many locations around the world.

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Artists Without Borders is an initiative I founded to establish volunteer art programs in countries most in need.


While in Thailand and Cambodia I found time to paint small improvisational acrylic pieces such as "Invictus" and "Into the Fields"

I was inspired by the resilience and toughness of these peoples, by their impressive strength while working the fields under a burning sun in unrelenting heat.


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Into the Fields

"Working beside these young "hearts" I discovered that at best I was a guide not a "teacher" altruism it seemed was mostly ego.  I had found a calling: I was young again, as their student, learning something new each day"

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Hearts of Cambodia 

My collaboration with the talented young ODA artists produced a mural which was sold in Canada to raise funds for the ODA organization.  This project began as an exploration of abstract expressionism with "experiential" lessons (such as colour theory) applied directly onto this large canvas.

"What is abstract expressionism" the children asked...."let me show you what I think I know" I replied with a smile

Cambodia highlights in pictures

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