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La Vie


"As is life, art is a journey of experience, not a destination of perfect.  Nevertheless, for me the artistic process is a battle ground"

As a young boy in Toronto I spent many days exploring forested ravines, climbing trees, camping, skiing, swimming, sailing...exploring the wild natural world.  I often lost track of time while drawing, building models, learning music, playing chess, or star gazing with my telescope.  I enjoyed visiting the Royal Ontario Museum, the AGO and the many live music venues.  

I find inspiration from my art library which especially books that explore ancient cave art. A knowledge of history is important to me, and also an appreciation of colour theory science.  Although I have "favorite" artists I find inspiration from from all artists, not only visual artists but writers, sculptors, dancers, poets. I believe to live in this world one must live and act as an artist - all of us can easily be artists in even the smallest of ways.  

"Without art, the crudeness of reality would make the world unbearable"

George Bernard Shaw

My paintings are expressive and spontaneous.  I don't wonder if a colour is right or wrong.  When I paint I engage my subconscious.  I use my hands to spread layers of materials to build texture and depth, creating translucent layers and ghost images.  As a painting develops it becomes a living expression of another dimension of reality.  For me the challenge is to avoid conscious thought by entering an altered state which allows my physical movement to manifest images and stories.

I've studied at the University of Western Ontario and Emily Carr University (Vancouver) in addition to courses in the US.  My greatest learning has been from books, museum visits, and personal study, experimentation, and experiencing life. 

I like to flirt with inner and outer space, dwelling in the borderland of the two, startled by the "looking-glass" sameness - to steal away inspiration and manifest the dream of that place upon an art surface.  I want to stay there longer sometimes.

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Life on the trail...running Fisherman's trail, North Vancouver

This area has inspired countless artists including Fred Varley who once lived nearby 

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