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ART $3000 - $6000

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The Glass Menagerie (36"x48")


A primary theme of Tennessee Williams play "Glass Menagerie" is escapism.  The definition of "menagerie" is a place where animals are kept and trained especially for exhibition.  These three figures come to life as if wanting to exist but are partly trapped in a glass-like world. 

They are alive as individuals, engaged in a mysterious struggle and drama.

I manifest these surreal images and stories without predetermined judgement, relinquishing control and conscious thought.

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The Migrants (36"x36")


I have been witness to much human drama in my many foreign travels.  The tragic aspects of forced migration weighs on my mind as I bear witness.   


Migration is part of human existence and often a brutal source of conflict, violence, and human suffering.  The three figures portrayed  here express anguish, lost souls who have lost so much hope and spirit.

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The Majestic (36"x48")


Deeply layered colours with energetic movement and life presenting an imposing abstraction of dignity, beauty, richness of spirit and life.

The viewer is best suited to find their own meaning as this piece gazes back as a mirrored image would gaze back.

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Blue Moon Rising - spirits at play (48"x36")


Playful spirits in celebration, dancing to a giant blue moon as they visit the material world for a brief moment in time.

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The Tree of Lost Souls (30"x40")


The Tree of Lost Souls revealed itself to me slowly.  As these strange spirits emerged my thought was simply "a tree of lost souls."

A subconscious inspiration include my many visits the west coast rainforests, especially Haida Gwaii.  Those forests contain so much history and can express a life of their own.


Highwire (36"x36")


A metaphor expressing the precarious nature of our (often times unbalanced) existence, as if we are in a dangerous performance - falling is always a possible danger. 


Balance occupies our thoughts forcing us to focus, to concentrate on navigating dangers encircling us.  Accompanying figures on our journey play supporting roles, as guides, mentors, teachers, caregivers - sometimes simply to light our way as the floating figure holding the candle suggests. 


Why not live life in style, sometimes holding flowers, even though you might feel terrified.     

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Within the Rose of Time (36"x36")


There are always moments in life where we can say (or look back upon) certain experiences as "a rose in full bloom"...ephemeral and short lived, but a perfect moment we wish could continue.

These moments pass so quickly, like a rose in full bloom.


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Heaven's Gate (36"x24")


Spirits waiting at that mythical boundary between the physical known universe and the unknown that is beyond. 

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Garden Love (48"x48")


Two figures floating in a quiet, private emotional exchange manifesting a deep connection as expressed by the glowing garden-like vibration of colour.


The Players (48"x48")


“All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages"

Shakespeare believed that we are each actors upon a stage, the world is a stage for our performance:  "Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no more. It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing"

These thoughts coalesce into my work.  I to surrender to this experience, as a vessel I manifest these  existential thoughts.   

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Lost at Sea (48"x36")


As or indomitable spirits experience the existential angst of our existence, we can feel as if we are drowning, lost at sea, treading water, searching for a safe shore to land upon. 

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Into the Mystic (36"x48")


Figures caught within a "mystical" dimension where existence is deeply personal and separate, a journey of mystery with a destination that is perhaps unkowable. 


The March of Time (48"x36")


My statement about aging and moves forward mercilessly, unstoppable, time is always marching forward, it does not wait or time marches forward we are bound by a reality of processes of birth, life, death.

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The Mortal Coil (36"x36")


"To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil" (Shakespeare)


Lean on Me - when you're not strong (48"x36")


Bill Withers vocal masterpiece inspires me each time I listen to it, and accompanied me as I worked on this painting: 

Lean on Me


Earth Day (36"x36")


Painted in commemoration to our dearly beloved ever-increasingly boiling planet earth as it falls victim to new unimagined heat and wildfire records...RIP earth. 

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