ART $1000 - $2000

Unbridled (36"x24")
$1500 (framed)
Rich layers of colour to express expressive energy and movement leading the eye in changing patterns and and experience unique for each viewer.

The Beautiful Mother (24"x18")
$1400 (framed)
$1000 (un-framed)
A dedication to beautiful mothers everywhere.

Sunrise Manifesto (36"x36")
A brilliant graffiti-inspired colour, a sunny expression with a glowing light suggesting a manifesto to live by, one of sunlight and possibility.

Into the Wild (36"x36")
There are times when we are called upon to move forward, into the unknown "wild" and even into danger. There are moments of trepidation, anxiousness, stress, and worry that accompanies that singular and maybe lonely experience, though nevertheless these times can be opportunities for self discovery and learning.

Icarus (36"x36")
Icarus, in Greek mythology, perished by flying too close to the Sun with wings made of wax, which melted as he rose too high.
As many do, I question the idea - when does ambition lead to downfall, what is the contemporary relevance for this ancient mythology?